News & Updates


Achievements of Hope

Lung Cancer Canada's Calendar of Hope is here!

Celebrate The Achievement of Hope with 12 Faces of Hope and 12 months of practical tips towards Living with Lung Cancer 

Standardizing biomarker testing for Canadian patients with advanced lung cancer

Read LCC's abstract in Current Oncology - Standardizing biomarker testing for Canadian patients with advanced lung cancer

Toronto Pre-Election Town Hall: Major Health Concerns for Ontarians

LCC is proud to co-host the Toronto Pre-Election Town Hall: Major Health Concerns for Ontarians.
Please join us for a robust and thought provoking engagement with a panel of health care experts and political party representatives on priority health care issues in Ontario.

Register Now

Doctor’s trial treatment for terminal lung cancer patients goes nationwide

One London, ON doctor is trying to spare terminal lung cancer patients of painful radiation side effects with a new pilot program that’s already gone nationwide.

Lawson Health Research Institute scientist Dr. Alexander Louie launched the PROACTIVE program – which uses more precise and targeted radiation doses to limit throat side effects in lung cancer patients – at the London Health Sciences Centre in late 2016.

The Lindsay Gembicki Memorial Fund

In January of 2016, at the age of 31, Lindsay’s life was just beginning.  Successful in her career, surrounded by friends and family and engaged to be married, Lindsay had reason to celebrate.  Unfortunately, she had developed a persistent cough and the instinct that something was “not right”.  By February, after numerous doctor’s visits, she was given a diagnosis of stage 4 lung cancer.  Lindsay was a non-smoker.  Despite her courage and conviction that there was always hope, sadly on September 29th, 2017 she passed away.  Lindsay was an avid advocate for awareness of lung cancer especially in young women, which is increasing in Canada.  The difficulty she had making doctors listen to her and recognize her ongoing symptoms was incredibly frustrating and delayed treatment.  Her family hope to honour her memory by making a difference with this memorial fund. Donate today

Innovative New Lung Cancer Treatment Extends Life

New research in lung cancer treatment helps boost a patient’s immune system. Learn how it can help those with advanced cancers.

Giving Tuesday

THE UNEXPECTED FACE OF LUNG CANCER...At 25 years old, Kayla Bradford thought her life was just beginning. However, the new mom-to-be soon developed some health issues, including a cough that started when she was three months along and never went away.

Lung Cancer Awareness Month 2017

November is lung cancer awareness month and this year, Lung Cancer Canada is promoting awareness in a big way!

Our Stakeholder Briefing is being held in Vancouver on November 8th at the Sheraton Wall Centre where we will launch our Faces of Lung Cancer Report 2017. Join us in person or register for our live webinar! Later that evening we will host the next Regional Lung Cancer Patient Summit for patients and caregivers in Vancouver and the surrounding area. Don't miss it!

We will also be releasing our brand new Patient's Guide to Lung Cancer - a comprehensive guide to diagnosis, treatments and living with lung cancer. If you are a patient or a caregiver and would like to know more about this disease including novel treatments and resources. Order one today!

Our Evening of Hope in Toronto is on November 23rd at the Sheraton Toronto Centre in the Provincial Ballroom. Buy your tickets now!

Advocating for Access

Advocating for Access; An Interview with Lung Cancer Canada’s Christina Sit

Casey Cosgrove

Today Lung Cancer Canada lost a Hero of Hope, our Vice President Casey Cosgrove. The way he lived his life with Stage IV lung cancer infused all of the patients, caregivers and people he met with a 'Life is possible - Don't give up' energy. For us at Lung Cancer Canada, he inspired us to do better. To fight for better awareness, better treatments and better equality for lung cancer.

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